At Corporate Insights, we are constantly seeking ways to enhance customer experience and provide valuable insights to help our clients manage risk and make informed decisions. 

Introducing the New Features of Corporate Insights 360 

Learn how the latest updates to Corporate Insights 360 can help you manage risk more effectively.  

What is Corporate Insights 360? 

Corporate Insights 360 is a risk management solution that provides comprehensive and actionable insights into individuals and organisations. Featuring powerful tools like the automated lifestyle assessment (Lifestyle 360) and conflict of interest (Conflict 360) applications, it aggregates data from multiple sources, including public records, financial and commercial data, to create detailed risk profiles and ratings. With Corporate Insights 360, you can identify, monitor, and mitigate potential risks such as fraud, corruption, money laundering, and reputational damage.  The Corporate Insights 360 Solutions assists organisations to ensure that they have “adequate measures” in place to support them in complying with the recent requirements set out in Section 34A of Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act. 


What are the new features of Corporate Insights 360? 

We are excited to announce the latest updates of Corporate Insights 360, designed to improve your risk management capabilities: 

  • Whitelist per Risk Category. Now you can whitelist specific risk category for an individual on both Conflict 360 and Lifestyle 360 solutions. The new function will now whitelist that category and calculate the new risk rating taking that category into account ensuring that the remaining risk categories are tracked. Previously, the whitelist function was applied to the whole individual report and now your analyst allows for more precise adjustments to individual risk profiles and better ongoing management. Enhanced Snapshot Functions: Whitelist, Tag and View from every snapshot. You are now able to whitelist an individual, tag an individual or view an individual report directly from the risk snapshot screen, streamlining your workflow and saving you time. 
  • Direct Report Downloads Download a report directly from the risk snapshot without needing to open the report first, making it easier for offline analysis. 
  • Additional Detailed Information Recent addresses, recent employers and contact details of employees are now included in the detailed individual report. This is particularly useful when a compliance report requires additional information. 

Accessing the New Features  

If you are an existing user of Corporate Insights 360, you can access the new features by logging into your account and navigating to the Risk Snapshot tab. The new options for whitelisting, tagging, viewing, and downloading reports are available on the right side of each snapshot. The whitelist per risk category function can be accessed by opening an individual report and clicking on the Edit Whitelist button at the top right corner. 

If you are not a user of Corporate Insights 360 yet, you can request a demo or a free trial by visiting our website or contacting us at support AT Experience the benefits of Corporate Insights 360 and discover how it can help it can help you manage risk more effectively. 


Corporate Insights 360 is a comprehensive risk management solution that provides actionable insights into individuals and organisations. It helps you identify, monitor, and mitigate potential risks, such as fraud, corruption, money laundering which could cause reputational damage. Our latest updates include features that allow for more precise risk category whitelisting, streamlined report management, and enhanced access to detailed information. To learn more about Corporate Insights 360 and how it can help you manage risk more effectively, visit our website or contacting us at support AT