Lifestyle 360
Lifestyle 360 is a revolutionary solution that harmonises and centralises these signals, creating a powerful tool for identifying potential risks.
Replace laborious, costly manual assessments with an all-encompassing approach for unmatched visibility.
Conflict 360
In the realm of risk management, traditional approaches to handling conflicts of interest are ineffective.
Enter Conflict 360 – a groundbreaking solution that redefines interest declaration systems, fortified with real-time updates and advanced verification protocols.
Unveiling Untapped Potential for Risk Mitigation
In a data-rich era, 90% of companies miss the chance to identify employee risks due to limited data use. Just 33% use advanced analytics tools, while 22% have no data analytics, hampering proactive risk management.
Low Rate of Data Analytics Adoption
It’s the era of rapidly growing data, many companies are lagging behind in harnessing its potential. A staggering majority, around 90%, fail to tap into even a fraction of the data required to identify potential employee risks and conflicts of interest.interest [90% of companies, fail to tap into the data available to identify risk]. Just 33% of organisations have embraced advanced data analytics tools capable of uncovering these hidden dangers and 22% of companies have yet to incorporate any form of data analytics whatsoever.
Identifying Overlooked Warning Signs
Numerous studies highlight an unsettling trend—approximately 85% of employees exhibit at least one glaring lifestyle red flag when engaging in illicit activities. [85% of employees involved in misconduct exhibit at least one lifestyle red flag]Disclosure of personal interests prove inadequate, with a startling 42% of employees' interests out of date within four months of making a declaration. An estimated 9% of these declarations are tainted with fraudulent intent.
Revolutionizing Risk Mitigation
Retrospective risk reporting and conventional detection are ineffective in today's dynamic landscape. A recent survey exposes the vulnerabilities of traditional approaches, revealing that 42% of organisations surveyed fell victim to customer or procurement fraud within the last 24 months. [42% of organisations surveyed fell victim to customer or procurement fraud within the last 24 months]. Insider-related risks also loom large, with 31% of organisations reporting incidents linked to insider threats.