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The Rise of Insider Risk: Evolving Challenges and Solutions

Lifestyle 360

Lifestyle 360 is a revolutionary solution that harmonises and centralises these signals, creating a powerful tool for identifying potential risks.

Replace laborious, costly manual assessments with an all-encompassing approach for unmatched visibility.

Conflict 360

In the realm of risk management, traditional approaches to handling conflicts of interest are ineffective.

Enter Conflict 360 – a groundbreaking solution that redefines interest declaration systems, fortified with real-time updates and advanced verification protocols.

Unveiling Untapped Potential for Risk Mitigation

In a data-rich era, 90% of companies miss the chance to identify employee risks due to limited data use. Just 33% use advanced analytics tools, while 22% have no data analytics, hampering proactive risk management.

Low Rate of Data Analytics Adoption

Low Rate of Data Analytics Adoption

It’s the era of rapidly growing data, many companies are lagging behind in harnessing its potential. A staggering majority, around 90%, fail to tap into even a fraction of the data required to identify potential employee risks and conflicts of interest.interest [90% of companies, fail to tap into the data available to identify risk]. Just 33% of organisations have embraced advanced data analytics tools capable of uncovering these hidden dangers and 22% of companies have yet to incorporate any form of data analytics whatsoever.

Identifying Overlooked Warning Signs

Identifying Overlooked Warning Signs

Numerous studies highlight an unsettling trend—approximately 85% of employees exhibit at least one glaring lifestyle red flag when engaging in illicit activities. [85% of employees involved in misconduct exhibit at least one lifestyle red flag]Disclosure of personal interests prove inadequate, with a startling 42% of employees' interests out of date within four months of making a declaration. An estimated 9% of these declarations are tainted with fraudulent intent.

Revolutionizing Risk Mitigation

Revolutionizing Risk Mitigation

Retrospective risk reporting and conventional detection are ineffective in today's dynamic landscape. A recent survey exposes the vulnerabilities of traditional approaches, revealing that 42% of organisations surveyed fell victim to customer or procurement fraud within the last 24 months. [42% of organisations surveyed fell victim to customer or procurement fraud within the last 24 months]. Insider-related risks also loom large, with 31% of organisations reporting incidents linked to insider threats.

Here’s what our customers say

  • Automated lifestyle assessment, using the latest techniques and technologies around advanced analytics, data, information insights and machine learning enables us to stay one step ahead of fraud risks.
    Lee Naik
    CEO TransUnion
  • Corporate Insights has provided a better understanding into conflict of interest risk with our employees, their fit and proper standing, what would and wouldn’t make sense regarding their role vs their salary. Having this insight helps to mitigate the potential risks within the organisation. The data provided also helps us link potential conflict of interests.
    Insurance Industry Internal Auditor
  • Automated supplier risk assessment, using the latest techniques and technologies using information insights and machine learning enabled us to ensure that we strengthened our governance reporting.
    Pharmaceutical Company Compliance Officer
  • This is the most comprehensive and user friendly conflict of interest verification system I have ever used. all the information is in one place and the insights that we obtain has identified risks that we would not normally flag with the way we were used to doing conflict of interest checking
    Telecommunications and Data Industry Forensics Manager
  • Above and beyond the mobile and desktop apps being easy to use, the support and engagement from the Corporate Insights team is excellent.
    Mining Industry, Security Manager

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